Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Great White Shark

Beginning with the simplest one-celled organism, an extraordinary animal rose in the murky waters entitled to a non-comparable killing-eating machine. This organism has become natures most genuine and most successful creature that it has remained unchanged for over 250 million years. Nature finally invented the perfect king of the sea. This animal has given the sea its living adjective; in turn, it was entitled- The Great White Shark derived from a series of evolutionary advancements that took several billion years. It began with the derivation of the vertebrates-the Phylum Chordata. Here, the Class Agnotha came to existence. Some features of Agnotha are the presence of a cartilage skeleton, nine gill slits (turning into five gill slits in sharks, where the first four became the jaw), and fins. Sharks belong to the class Chondrichthyes-a more elaborated organism. Jaws derived from the first four gill slits, spiral valve, and productive fins. The fins are amongst the most important advancements made by the Fixed rigid rods support the fins. The sharks have five different types of fins. They have paired fins that lift the shark, as it is able to swim; paired pelvic fins, which stabilize the shark and letting it steer to reach its prey in a more effective manner; dorsal fins also further aide the shark in stabilization as well as the anal fin. For propelling, the shark uses the caudal fins. The caudal fins allow the shark to charge directly toward its The great white sharks size is inevitably recognizable, but it was actually even bigger, much bigger. It was called Carcharodon megalodon years ago. This creature is still believed by some to live down in the waters, where it would be almost impossible to reach shore because of its monstrous size. It is over forty feet long and believed to be able to eat a school bus whole! Of course, the g...

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